My take on John is that he has a Jewish background, or is at least highly tolerant of Jews. He is well versed in the Hebrew Scriptures; with every verse either quoting or alluding to them (not that there was a Hebrew Canon at the time). When he says the 144,000 are from the Hebrew tribes/families, I believe that is precisely what he means. If the 144,000 were literal - as the WTS says - then its composition is literal.
I see the writer as a mysoginist - his women are harlots and "Jezebel" while the 144,000 are not "defiled" with women. He is not a balanced individual.
The Watch Tower says of the 144,000 that they are neither men nor women:
"These all must receive a change of nature at their resurrection, being made partakers together of 'divine nature,' in which state none will be women, for there is no female sex among spirit creatures." (Insight on the Scriptures, Vol. 2, page, art. “Women”)
So they become gods, partakers of the divine nature.
We do not know who the writer was. The book was one of many apocalypses written at the time and it had great trouble being accepted by the church as Scripture.
It is a dangerous book to base one's beliefs on.
If you have the opportunity, read: "A History of the End of the World: How the Most Controversial Book in the Bible Changed the Course of Western Civilization", by Jonathan Kirsch